Saturday, June 10, 2006

Suffering from a Sun Deficit?

Take a Hike!

I've been feeding my sun-starved soul with long, uphill walks to keep my legs, lungs, and spirits in shape. The woods are as soaked as an overloaded sponge these days, and it's making travel a bit tricky. But tomorrow I'm heading out on the trail regardless of obstacles. I need to be out in the wilderness, where I can see and study the June wildflowers before they disappear. I'll bring two pairs of boots--the Muck Boots and hiking boots, so I don't destroy (or lose) the latter in a pool of mud. All we need is a few dry sunny days and the trails will be back to normal. Why are the weather people always saying it will be better next week or next weekend?

Last Tuesday, June 6, was a gorgeous day. Mike and I hiked up Goodnow Mountain In Newcomb before the summer crowds take over. Goodnow is great for strengthening knee muscles because the steep ascents are followed by more gradual inclines. And there are some great views of the High Peaks. It's a fun, aerobic climb with incredibly well-maintained trails.


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