Saturday, July 29, 2006

Morningside Nostalgia

Today I had some fun walking the trails at Morningside Camps and Cottages in Minerva. I'm going to be leading a nature walk there on Monday morning, so I was revisiting the trails, seeing what's new and interesting for people to see and touch.

Morningside is where Ken and I first encountered the Adirondacks. We started spending several weeks there in September every year, paddling and swimming in Minerva Lake, hiking the nearby trails, climbing mountains, and canoeing in the surrounding waters. Our friends Dave and Randi LaBar own and operate Morningside, and I'm so glad I'm going to be guiding some of their guests on their trails.

I found a few things there today that stumped me. Here's one of them. I found this unusual growth all over a rock. It's slimy and wet, the way a slug feels. I can hear the children saying "Eeeewwww!" I'm going to e-mail Evelyn Greene, the Adirondack naturalist par excellence, to see if she can identify it.


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