Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Where to Hike When It's Super Hot

I've been on a mission lately searching for really cool trails. As regular readers of this blog know, my Watch Hill Safari is perfect for days when the mercury hits the mid-80s to 90. (Scroll down to my July 10 entry.) Do I hike when it's above 90? When those sizzlers are predicted, I guide clients on nature walks for three-hour excursions in the early morning hours, when the dew still sparkles on the grass and the birds' songs fill the forest.

Yes, you say, but you haven't answered the question.

Do I personally hike when it's over ninety? Well, to be truthful, I regret to say that my body has failed me in extreme heat. Despite my persuasions, it has proven itself physically incapable of handling any type of hiking as soon as temps hit the nineties. Fortunately, the Adirondacks rarely has days that exceed ninety degrees.

Roaring Brook on the Schaefer Trail--Gore Mountain

On hot days in the 80s, I take people to trails that cross or parallel running brooks, where we can stop, take our boots off, and cool our feet before continuing to climb. I also guide people along trails that lead to ponds or lakes, where the air temperature will feel six to ten degrees cooler.

Garnet Lake


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