Thursday, June 29, 2006

After the Deluge, Foxlair Trail is Open

We had some unbelievable rain this week, as many people did in New York State, southern Vermont, and western Massachusetts. Most streams here in the southern Adirondacks managed to overflow their banks at one point or other during the 2-3 day siege. Now the waters are settling down to a dull roar. Tomorrow morning, Friday, I'm heading out to check on a few trails that I'm pretty certain will be in fine shape for hikers this weekend.

Because the ruins of the estate that was once Foxlair sit high above the Sacandaga River, they were in no danger of being flooded. For those with a sense of adventure and an interest in history, an Adirondack Safari to Foxlair fits the bill. It's hard to believe that it's been just a little less than forty years since the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation gave the order to tear down the mansion and other estate buildings. Still, they could not erase the past. There are remnants of the stone foundation everywhere, several overgrown stone stairways, and rusting iron "objects" that still puzzle me as to their use.

The butterflies and birds will be active there after all the rain. Bring your binocs!
But, since it could still be damp underfoot, also bring your muck boots just in case!


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