Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Peak Birding!

The peak songbird migration days in the Adirondacks have arrived. Lots of warblers and vireos have already come back or have passed through on their way north, but the best days for viewing are now here for the next five to seven days. Even after that, the birding will still be good until early June when we settle down with our resident songbird population.

I was stunned to see a small flock of White-Crowned Sparrows hopping in the area that was once an inground swimming pool. The white stripes on their head are striking. They won't stay, though--they're on their way to Canada for the summer.

And, while I was discussing plans for an addition to our gardening deck with the carpenter, a bluebird landed on a fencepost in the field below. This is the first time I've seen a bluebird on our property. I went beserk, of course, and the carpenter probably thinks I'm a lunatic, which I am, I suppose, so who cares?

Oh, I'd love it if a bluebird pair would stay and breed here. I would've asked Ken to build a bluebird box if I had known they'd be dropping in. Next year we'll place one in an optimal location. For bluebirds, that would be on the edge of the field next to the woods.

I can't convince any of my friends to go mountain birding with me, up to the boreal forest on top of Crane Mountain. (Boreal forest in our area starts at about 2800 feet.) Guess I'll have to go on my own, which I don't mind at all, really. Are you free on Memorial Day Weekend? I'm leading a boreal birding mountain trip on Sunday the 27th.


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