Thursday, April 26, 2007

Finally! Winds from the South

After an entire week of winds from the north and northwest, at long last we have southern breezes today. And why am I excited about that? Migrating birds rush north when they have a tail wind to ease their way. Birders from downstate this morning reported that hawks are migrating in droves today. If only I could climb a mountain peak this afternoon to see them, but our mountains are still snow-covered, and where the snow has melted, there's mud. It's really best to stay off the mountain trails in these conditions to avoid damaging them. In any case, tomorrow morning there'll be lots of migrating warblers and other birds to see.

On our hike this morning, Sophie and I were wowed by a very muddy red fox dashing across the road in front of us. He had a large rodent in his mouth, and was surely on his way to the den to feed the mother of his pups. For the next two months, we'll be much more likely to see foxes and coyotes in the mornings as they scramble to feed their families.


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