Sunday, March 11, 2007

Warmer, and the Snowshoeing is Better than Ever

Winter Wilderness Birding Wed. March 14
Easy Mountain Snowshoeing Sun. March 18
Vernal Equinox Snowshoe Celebration Sat. March 24

And, of course, Personalized Snowshoe Safaris Anytime

I love discovering abandoned houses in the wilderness.

It's great--the thawing during the day and the freezing at night is making the snowshoeing better than ever. The freeze-up at night is firming the snow, so my feet don't sink down a foot when snowshoeing. Super! We have weeks of snowshoeing ahead of us despite the above-freezing temperatures. There's so much snow, we'll be snowshoeing into April. When I was out today, a pileated woodpecker settled on a tree right next to me. He walked up to the very top, going out on a fragile limb, and, I suppose, decided that pecking insects out of this tree was just not worth it.

I'm having camera problems. My camera frame thing came loose while hiking and the camera slammed down onto a hard surface, making all the batteries pop out. Not healthy for camera. I'm now getting bad blurriness in 4 out of 5 photos. Strange. I take a bunch of blurries and then the next is clear as a bell. Go figure. Time for a new camera. I can't live without one, and especially not now as winter turns to spring. If you have a digital camera that's reasonably priced and takes great nature shots, please let me know by writing a comment. Thanks!


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