Friday, August 18, 2006

Bears, Bobcats, and Coyotes Go Wild

On a woodsy trail abutting the swamp down our mountain road, I found some big bear tracks, and I mean big! The front "hand" or foot of a black bear is an average of nine inches long. The one I discovered was 8 1/2 inches. (The bear foot makes a shorter track.) Early this morning I came upon more bear tracks in the same muddy spot, but these were a little smaller than average. Interesting. How many bears are prowling the area and what's drawing them here?

Well, if you've been reading this blog, you probably guessed "blackberries," and you'd be right. Black bears love berries, which are growing absolutely everywhere. But our new neighbors who recently bought 35 acres across the street from us are camping on their land this week and next, and I'm sure the aromas of campfire cooking has attracted a fair number. Our neighbors are being vigilant about storing food in bins and they're fastidiously cleaning up after every meal. I also strongly suggested that they also store toothpaste, deodorants, and all lotions and soaps after each use along with their food. Bears guzzle all that stuff, too, containers and all.

I wish I could see one. Not up close, necessarily. Not when I have Sophie with me. (We're doing the leash thing now, as long as they're so close by, much to Sophie's dismay.) But just a glimpse out my window?

Can't believe it's time for me to cook dinner already. Took a wonderful, fun couple from the Syracuse area on the Peaked Mountain tour today, so I didn't get home til late. I so wanted to blog about all the coyote and bobcat doings, but I'll blog about them tomorrow. Stay tuned!


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